Website Design Hamilton

We're Take Two Digital Marketing, a Hamilton website design company.

website design packages

Amateur websites are for amateur businesses.

There are websites. And there are websites that convert. If you're interested in the latter, then we can help you. Your website should be more than a digital pamphlet. Our focus is on building websites that integrate search engine optimization (SEO), user experience, functionality and speed. These are all necessary ingredients for attracting traffic and increasing conversions. This custom website design Hamilton company will help you stand out and turn web traffic into prospects quicker.

web design hamilton phase one

Phase 01
Hamilton Website Design Plan

It's crucial that we put together a strategy before building the website. What's your website's purpose? What action do we want web visitors to take? Do you plan on scaling your website in the future? Booking a strategy session is the first step for any web design project.

web design hamilton phase two

Phase 02
Web Design

Once we put together a strategy, the design phase begins. You will be presented web design mock-ups and will have the chance to request changes to your project. We'll make sure that you're happy with the design before moving forward with the web development.

web design hamilton phase three

Phase 03
Web Development Optimization

Once your website is developed, it will be optimized for Google. Additionally, we'll make sure that your website is fast to make sure that users aren't leaving the website before even seeing it.

Custom Web Design Company in Hamilton Ontario

Website design Hamilton packages
web design hamilton case study one

Make your website your marketing hub.

Do you have website shame? The Repositioning Expert felt SHAME from her previous website. It was doing nothing for her, and it looked like something out of the 90s. As a marketing consultant, The Repositioning Expert realized that her website was holding her back. She needed a marketing hub of a website that could manage her podcast, blog, offers and future landing pages - all while looking and feeling modern. Once the project was finished, it wasn't long before she informed us that her new website helped sway the decision of a high-profile lead into working with her.

web design hamilton case study two

Look like a more established Brand.

Benchmark Advertising needed their website renewed. They offer real world marketing, but they needed a hand with their digital marketing. Their website wasn't working for them - literally, it wasn't working! They needed to showcase their street side advertising and have a place to display all their locations on one map for clients to choose from. They wanted to work with us every step of the way on their web design project, and we were happy to do so until the final product met all of their needs.

web design hamilton case study three

Increase your online presence.

We were enthused to work with a brand as big as Safeguard Canada. Like the others, they needed their website design renewed, but they wanted to do it with a .CA domain to increase their online presence in Canada. They offer a wide range of services and products and needed a website that showcases that. Their website now ranks above all other vendors in Canada, and accommodates their many products and services. This web design Hamilton company has been working with them for some time now and continue to develop a lasting business relationship.

“These guys know what they are doing. Work that was estimated for 4 weeks was done in 2 weeks. And it was complete and cost effective. They listen and are flexible to incorporate any changes in the work. I would recommend anybody looking for good website designers in Hamilton to look them up.” (

Stand out from your competition.

If there's one thing that I learned in starting Take Two Marketing is that standing out is essential in any competitive industry, especially in the Hamilton Website Design industry. Standing out could mean having a website with a great design that compliments your brand. It could mean increasing your online presence and search rankings so that your website is easily discovered. Choose a Hamilton website design company that helps you look like a more established brand and knows how to stand out from the competition.

  • What is the process to get my web design project started?

  • What will my website design project cost?

  • Can I get an estimate for my website design project?

  • Will my website be optimized for mobile devices?

  • How long does a web design project usually take to complete?

  • What will you use to build my website?

  • Do you offer maintenance and hosting?

  • Do I have to be in Hamilton to work with you?

The 4 Best Coworking Space in Hamilton for 2023

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The best coworking spaces in Hamilton

The city of Hamilton, Ontario is home to a thriving business community, with a growing number of entrepreneurs, freelancers & startups setting up shop in the area. To accommodate this growing community there are several coworking spaces available in Hamilton that offer a range of services, amenities, and community events. Here are 4 of the best coworking spaces we've found in Hamilton: CoMotion on King CoMotion on King - CoMotion on King is a coworking space in Hamilton that offers a modern, creative environment for businesses of all sizes. With its prime location in the heart of Hamilton, CoMotion on King provides easy access to a variety of local businesses and amenities. The space features private offices, hot desks, and meeting......

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Website Views But No Calls?

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website design views

Two questions for you. How many views does your website get per month? How many of those people are calling you? If people are viewing your website they're either interested in the content you're producing, or they're interested (or at the very least, curious) in what you're offering. But why aren't they calling? If people are viewing your website then you must be doing something right. Either you're generating interest through face-to-face or through referrals. Or you're being found online, through organic searches or ads. The fact is that people are landing on your website, good job! Now for the next step... Let me tell you about a past client of mine, let's call him Jimmy. He was getting thousands of visitors on his website each month, but very few were calling. I wonder why? What you offer isn't clear Although Jimmy was ranking fairly high on Google, he wasn't......

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Are you building trust through your website? 4 ways to build trust

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web design trust

If building a relationship is the key to sales success, then trust is the foundation. We know that trust is essential in making a sale, especially if you're a new business. Here are 4 ways you can build trust through your website. Faces Human faces are very powerful. They elicit an emotional response. A study titled Efficiency, Trust and Visual Appeal: Usability Testing through Eye Tracking has shown that visitors find images of people on websites more visually appealing than non-people images, and the 'trust rating' was significantly correlated with images of people and faces. We're constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. And familiarity builds trust. Case studies Your prospects want to see your results. It's not enough that you've told us what you offer and how you can help. People want to see your work. If you're in a service based business you likely......

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This website design Hamilton company builds websites that convert

You know when businesses sink thousands of dollars into websites that don't convert many leads?

A website is more than a sort of online brochure or business card. It's more than a pretty design and a collection of information. Your website is advertising your business in Hamilton and beyond, all day, every day. And often times your website is your businesses first impression, especially in the world of digital marketing in Hamilton. This is especially true today, in 2021, where more and more businesses and consumers are moving online. All your marketing efforts, including those of a digital marketing agency in Hamilton and social media marketing in Hamilton, will lead your prospects to one place: your website. It doesn't matter if your marketing efforts are offline or online - all your prospects land in the same place. As a top ranking web design company, we'll make sure that your website makes a great first impression, increases the chance of converting the leads you bring in, and furthermore, generates additional leads.

Consider this. When you search for a service online in Hamilton Ontario, how likely are you to judge a business based on its website? It's been researched that when searching for a service online people look at several businesses within that industry, then they make judgements based on the websites they see, and they contact the one that makes the best first impression. First impressions make a huge difference, especially if you want to generate traffic online. As high as 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a website after a negative experience. 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. 40% of people will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Anyone can create a website nowadays. There are pre-made web design templates and software that allows you to create a website yourself. You can even hire a website design Hamilton Ontario company for cheap - the kind that pumps out low quality websites like a sweatshop! Or outsources their work to inexperienced developers overseas. But if you've been in business a long time, then you understand the importance of hiring a professional when the situation warrants it. Otherwise, you risk re-doing the website over and over, until finally deciding on hiring a professional. Let's get your website right the first time.

At this Hamilton website design company, we understand that your website is an extension of your brand that sets the tone for your presence online. Great websites go further than being simple online brochures. Great websites help you achieve your business goals by growing your brand, generating traffic and guiding your website traffic with a positive user experience. Great websites convert. Looking for affordable web design in Hamilton Ontario? Look no further. Work with us and you'll be glad you did. We work with businesses across Ontario, including Guelph, Oakville, Niagara and more. We would be thrilled to be chosen as the web designers in Hamilton to design and develop your brand new website!

Affordable Hamilton Website Design Prices

Web design Hamilton packages

© 2022 - Take Two Digital Marketing: Website Design, Internet Marketing Company - Press Mentions