Website Views But No Calls?

sacha , , ,
website design views

Two questions for you.

How many views does your website get per month?

How many of those people are calling you?

If people are viewing your website they’re either interested in the content you’re producing, or they’re interested (or at the very least, curious) in what you’re offering. But why aren’t they calling?

If people are viewing your website then you must be doing something right. Either you’re generating interest through face-to-face or through referrals. Or you’re being found online, through organic searches or ads. The fact is that people are landing on your website, good job! Now for the next step…

Let me tell you about a past client of mine, let’s call him Jimmy. He was getting thousands of visitors on his website each month, but very few were calling. I wonder why?

What you offer isn’t clear

Although Jimmy was ranking fairly high on Google, he wasn’t…

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Are you building trust through your website? 4 ways to build trust

sacha ,
web design trust

If building a relationship is the key to sales success, then trust is the foundation. We know that trust is essential in making a sale, especially if you’re a new business. Here are 4 ways you can build trust through your website.


Human faces are very powerful. They elicit an emotional response. A study titled Efficiency, Trust and Visual Appeal: Usability Testing through Eye Tracking has shown that visitors find images of people on websites more visually appealing than non-people images, and the ‘trust rating’ was significantly correlated with images of people and faces. We’re constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. And familiarity builds trust.

Case studies

Your prospects want to see your results. It’s not enough that you’ve told us what you offer and how you can help. People want to see your work. If you’re in a service based business you likely…

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