Can’t afford SEO?

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cant afford seo

Good news if you’re a small business owner. Fortunately for you, the bulk of your competitors are likely doing very little to increase their rankings through search engine optimization (SEO). Although it takes quite some time to rank on the first page of Google, it’s worth putting some effort into getting there.

You might be thinking, what can ranking higher on Google do for you? Recently, I spoke to a business owner who’s ranked top 3 in all services he offers. He told me that 80% of his clients find him through Google. He doesn’t need to network anymore, nor does he need to spend thousands of dollars on advertising. The bulk of his business comes to him. That’s a golden position to be in.

Imagine having more leads call YOU without effort. Not everyone has $500 – $5000 a month to hire an SEO expert, so here are a few…

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